This is what I think!

Here's a place for me to ponder about scrapbooking. You can read it, comment, or just laugh. Maybe you know what I'm talking about!!
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Sunday, January 23, 2011

New Space, New Attitude!!

It's official, I am set up in my new Scrapbook Studio! I worked from there this week, and aside from a few power problems, it's really looking good! Now, it's not the absolute perfect space, but I have moved so many times that I have proven myself to be quite adaptable. So I made a few layouts for my Etsy Shop this week, and worked out a few kinks. Well, turns out I was a WILD WOMAN! My mojo was flowing! I got a lot done, and I thought they were good, solid layouts! That got me to thinking, why now? Well, it was probably the new setting. Some place different, you know? Not the same four walls to look at every day. Energizing! Amazing! My advice to all of you... try this yourself! Working on a stagnant layout? Move to a different table in your house and see what happens. A project you just can't finish? Set up a card table in another room and temporarily work from there. I know you will feel something different, and it might just impact your creative juices in a positive way! Do you know what I'm talking about?

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